Counseling and Spiritual Health (Relaxation Therapy)

Relaxation training is a self-control procedure that requires the client to develop a set of responses to modify autonomic arousal. Apart from mental and physical relaxation, the individual develops a feeling of control and starts assuming responsibility for management of his life and health.

During relaxation Positive suggestions are fed in to the sub conscious mind to enable well being by healing the emotions

A wide range of distressing behaviours such as anxiety, fears, phobias, aggression and psychosomatic disorders are caused by maladaptive learning that triggers undesirable autonomic arousal. These responses can be unlearned effectively through acquisition of antagonistic responses generally labelled as relaxation response.

Relaxation training is a self-control procedure that requires the client to develop a set of responses to modify autonomic arousal. Apart from mental and physical relaxation, the individual develops a feeling of control and starts assuming responsibility for management of his life and health (Beech et al. 1982)

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Audio Recordings

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 1 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 2 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 3 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 4 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 5 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 6 Day 1

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 1 Day 2

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 2 Day 2

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 3 Day 2

    • Psycho Analysis and Delta Healing File 4 Day 2

  • 2

    Video files

    • Spirituality Health Inner Values Academy - Spirituality

About the instructor


Azeem Dana

Azeem Dana, Counselling Psychologist is the Founder and Chairman of Spirituality Health and Inner Values Academy. Orcid Id: Email: [email protected]



1. The Sessions empower the clients to deal with the situations in a calm and relaxed manner which otherwise caused anxiety and traumas.


My name is Antonia:

I have been suffering with depression and panic attacks and severe anxiety for about 10 years. This was very debilitating as it affected my daily activities as I was limited in the places I could have gone.  It even affected my performance on the job as I passed up opportunities for educational advancement.  I had also suffered some deep childhood traumas and events from my childhood would always be on my mind like a playlist.

All in all I would say that I was crippled with this disease.

One day as I was browsing the newspapers there was an article that jumped out at me as it read:

“Therapist offers hypnosis to help with childhood issues:  Overcome fear, depression in one session.” I took this opportunity to call the number listed and I made an appointment. Within twenty four hours I had a session with Mr. Azeem Dana. That session was life altering. I was asked about my life and I recalled all the events.  Mr. Azeem then told me that I had just recalled what my conscious mind had stored. He then explained that I would undergo hypnosis to see what my subconscious mind had stored about incidents and events of my life. I was very apprehensive at first because I did not know what to expect and what the outcome would be. While under hypnosis I was able to relive and release some very painful and difficult times in my life. The session lasted roughly 3 1/2 hours. I was amazed and fascinated that I had talked for so long without any physical discomfort.   I came out smiling like a bride on her wedding day. I instantly felt lighter and happier. I knew something amazing had just happened. This was the recipe that I needed.

I always had a spiritual connection with My God and I felt drawn to that source more and more in the aftermath of my session. I am now less anxious and stressed by daily life as I now tap into my life giving force and I feel energized, like I am ready to take on the world. I can go so far as to say my life has been transformed.

I am deeply grateful for that chance encounter with Mr. Azeem Dana. I now eagerly await the future.

 2. The Individual Session helped to identify the various thought patterns that have been the root cause of the issues, which had to be worked upon and be aware of by reinforcement, to get rid of the current problems.

SESSION RESULT / OBSERVATION: The Client is a Cancer Patient. It is found that the child hood traumas experienced by the Client made the Client live a lonely life, not trusting people, developing hatred towards the parents and not been flexible in relationship with people. The Session enabled the Client to understand these emotions and work on them to release them, which would make the client become more positive towards life and would help the client to overcome/control the disease by better response to the medications.

3. The Clients are able to come out with insights which would help them in self-improvement.

TESTIMONIAL: I am able to heal the issues of childhood. I was able to clear up all the issues connected with my children that I have been carrying for so long time in my mind. After the session, I felt relieved as if a burden has been lifted from my head. I got a better understanding about my Self and my vision of people has become different, I have learned to appreciate them. And most important, I learned to accept the things which I cannot change. Now, I am able to have more love for my Self and others. Now, I am able to understand and analyze spiritual knowledge better. This is the best experience that happened to me, to help transform my life.

4. The Clients are able to handle their phobias like stage fright, sea sickness, fear of unknown person, fear of darkness with less severe reactions.

TESTIMONIAL: I am able to overcome the stage fright and increase concentration and memory, the very next day after the session.

TESTIMONIAL: I was affected by inferiority complex and fear of water which I got rid of by knowing my past birth and the purpose of this life time. And at the same time able to overcome the long time fear of water in just one session.

5. In another case, the Client was able to become free from depression and able to have sound sleep after the session. Also able to overcome the regular Asthma attack after the session, the cause has been the childhood experience of suffocating by the diesel smoke while travelling in a boat.

TESTIMONIAL: I am able to become free from depression and able to have sound sleep after the session. I am also able to overcome the regular Asthma attack after the session, which I have been experiencing for years together.

6. The past life regressions helped them to understand the current issues in a different perspective which brought them hope, to deal with the life with confidence, making them free from worries. They were able to see the complete picture of the ongoing issues.

7. The parents of the children are able to understand what makes the child behave in a particular way and wanted to deal with the children in an understanding way. But some parents finds difficult to accept the reality of child psychology.

8. The visions of future based on the present thoughts and ambitions, gives Children and Client the hope to pursue their goals with lot of enthusiasm and courage.

9. Clients were able to come to terms with the people in relations so that they are able to understand others point of view and deal with them in a better way.

10. Some Clients look for more sessions where they find with lack of motivation to reinforce what they have learned from the session.

11. Clients were able to identify the need for their change in life styles for better health improvement and deal with their current physical and mental issues.

12. One of the Clients was able to overcome most of the multiple personality disorders within a week’s time, after one session.

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Psycho analysis and delta healing


This course teaches about the Psychological and Hypno-therapeutic approaches to heal the emotions and remove stress for healthy mind and body. After atten...

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This course teaches about the Psychological and Hypno-therapeutic approaches to heal the emotions and remove stress for healthy mind and body. After attending the course you can start doing practical healing sessions.

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